
Chemotherapy enhanced with aid of electric pulses. It is applied directly at the site of the tumor.

Discover the Benefits

Advanced Therapy

Enhanced drug delivery with short high voltage pulses.

Short Procedure

Usually takes 20/30 minutes. Can be done under local anaesthesia. 

Independent of

Previous chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. 

Secure Procedure

Safe and simple procedure when guidelines are followed.

Side Effects

Usually only mild side- effects seen after treatment.

Quick Response

Effect on bleeding and secretions often seen in 48 hours. 

Tumor Control

Tumor regression can be achieved in 2 to 4 weeks.

High Success Rate

High rate of response for various tumor types. 

Advanced Tumor Therapy

SENNEX® Electrochemotherapy (ECT) is chemotherapy done with the aid of specific electric pulses. ECT is an approved treatment method according to ESOPE protocol and is applied directly at the site of the tumor. Short electric pulses make the cell membranes transiently permeable. As a result, the intracellular accumulation of the chemotherapeutic drug can be increased substantially. ECT is used for local treatment and control of tumors. Effects on bleeding and secretion are often seen in a few days.

Bleomycin and Cisplatin are the two drugs currently used for ECT. Bleomycin can be administered intra-tumorally or intravenously, depending on the number and size of the tumors. Cisplatin can be administered only intra-tumorally.

SENNEX® ECT is a quick procedure which can be done under local or general anesthesia. It usually takes about 20 to 30 minutes. When done under local anesthesia, the patient can be sent home after an observation period of a few hours. Patients may experience minor pain after the procedure. This pain can usually be managed with routine painkillers. Antibiotics are usually not required, but can be recommended for some patients.

SENNEX® ECT can be used independently of previous treatments like chemotherapy, radiotherapy and/or surgery. The effects are usually seen within 2 days to 4 weeks. The treatment can be repeated multiple times if necessary.

Working Principle

A chemotherapeutic drug is first injected either intravenously or locally in the tumor area. 

The SENNEX® Electrochemotherapy (ECT) system delivers short high voltage electric pulses. 

The electric pulses make the cell membrane highly permeable to the drug.

The DNA is destroyed, resulting in mitotic cell death that spares non-diving cells (muscle and nerve). ECT also significantly reduces the blood supply to the tumor cells. 

Side-effects & Precautions


1. Pain

The patient usually experiences only mild pain after treatment of cutaneous metastases. However, there can be severe pain for 1-2 weeks from treatment of tumors in the oral cavity. 

2. Muscle contraction

Muscle contraction with SENNEX® Electrochemotherapy (ECT) is usually not painful, but the patient should be informed before treatment under local anaesthesia. 

3. Necrosis

Necrosis is uncommon in ECT treatment of small tumors. It is more common in tumors exceeding 3 centimetres. 

4. Hyper-pigmentation

Skin hyper-pigmentation is unusual, but may occur if Bleomycin is used. 

Treatment localizations with increased risk of serious complications
  • When tumors in the vicinity of the common/internal carotid artery are treated, there is an increased risk of ischemic stroke. Ultrasound is usually helpful.
  • When tumors in the oral cavity or in the base of the tongue are treated, there is an increased risk of swelling that may compromise the airway. Delayed extubation or a tracheostomy is recommended in these cases. 
Exclusion from treatment
  • Pregnancy.
  • Allergy to the chemotherapeutic drug.
  • The presence of a pacemaker that cannot be turned off during the treatment.
  • Tumors with periosteal and/or bone invasion.
  • If the patient has previously received 400.000 IU of Bleomycin, only Cisplatin can be used. The Lifetime dose of Bleomycin is 400.000 IU. This dose cannot be exceeded.
  • If the patient has pulmonary fibrosis, intravenous Bleomycin should not be used.
  • If serum creatinine > 150 micromol/l, Bleomycin should not be used.
  • Patients with Pacemaker which can not be turned off during the therapy session.
  • Pregnancy & lactation